Most Popular Blooms for Chinatown Flower Delivery

All prices are inclusive of Free Same Day Delivery. Scroll down to understand us better, and to know why we are the Florist Singapore loves!


Hand Bouquet

Surprise Bouquet


Minimalist Wonder

brianna bouquet by farm florist singapore

Send something today with $25.00

The Brianna bouquet is quite the hit. Hand wrapped to perfection with other assorted fillers.

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Cluless on What to Get?

surprise bouquet by farm florist singapore

Surprise yourself from $34.00

Tell us some details of the occasion, and our florists will curate the most suitable bouquet.

shop now!

Unique for All Occasions


Flower Bloom Boxes from $39

Beat the norm with our hand carry tote bag flower arrangements!

make it yours!

Top Rated Online Florist in Chinatown

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Reviews by Renowned Bloggers

Avoiding Product Misrepresentation

Advertised on Online Catalogue

Source: Local Online Florist

Actual Reality Delivered

Source: Facebook Comments

Say No to Lousy Bouquets

At FARM Florist, we are completely against product misrepresentation. Being natural products, there are some characteristics of fresh flowers that we can never control. But delivering you something that looks totally different without any disclaimer on the respective product page is something we will never do.

All images used on are 100% genuine and we take pride in living up to our service standards.

Always and Forever

Our Guarantee

Your recipient deserves only the best.

We’re glad to be arguably the cheapest most reliable flower delivery service in Singapore

A Gift with Meaning

More Than Words

Include your own personalised note with every bouquet you purchase, or choose to have it blank, or not have it at all.

About Chinatown Florist

Need flowers urgently in Chinatown? Trying your best to search high and low for the best Chinatown florist is usually futile. Simply logon to the internet browser on your mobile phone and visit FARM Florist for a large variety of flower selections that you can order easily and also have them delivered quickly.

Buying from FARM Florist allows you to send flowers anywhere in the comfort of wherever you are. You also can be rest assured that our photography is absolutely real and what you see is ultimately what your recipient would get. Our prices are the cheapest in Singapore, and our quality is arguably second to none.

Chinatown is home to a million purposes. The establishments that exist there are so many that your reason for sending flowers there can literally be for anything. It could be for an anniversary, a birthday, a get well soon wish, or simply a gesture to show that you care. Flowers brightens up anyone’s day. With presentable and premium bouquets from S$25.00 with free delivery, you get to feel good about sending flowers, make someone super happy, without creating the slightest of dents to your wallet.

We believe that the 5 best florists in Chinatown are:

  • FARM Florist –
  • Lily Florist and Gifts at 531 Upper Cross St, #01-45, Singapore 050531
  • Chock Ye Flower Shop at Chinatown Complex (U/C) #01-279, 335 Smith Street Singapore 050335
  • Red Corner A Flower Specialist at 335 Smith St, Singapore 050335
  • Yong Hiang Fresh Flowers Co at 34 Upper Cross St, Singapore 050034

These florists are amazing, but do note that finding them in the sea of human traffic that consists of tourists and locals is never going to be easy.

FARM Florist provides a 100% delivery fulfilment guarantee. Our great reviews also speak of the superiority of our flower delivery service. Give us a shot and we will become your favourite florist in Singapore.

More Reasons to Love Us

I really did like the flowers displayed on FARM Florist website but i know the exquisite taste of my girlfriend well enough. Thank you so much to the people at FARM for patiently working together with me to customise such an epic bouquet for her. She took a million pictures with it. When she’s happy, i’m happier. Once again, thanks!

Alexander / Teacher

To be honest, i bought the flowers because they were cheap. I did not expect anything spectacular. When i saw the bouquet i got for my graduating friend, i was really surprised. It was amazingly well done. FARM Florist is definitely going to be my number one choice whenever i need a flower bouquet with delivery.

Colin / Student

I HATE BUYING FLOWERS! But.. thanks FARM. Quick and easy ordering process with flowers ready for her instagram purposes. Getting flowers has always been a chore. You guys definitely get the job done. Hope she does not see this!

Brandon / Forwarder