Showing 1–48 of 189 results

Hand Bouquet is a gift that is suitable for any occasion, be it for a birthday, graduation, get well soon gift, or just to show someone you care. FARM Florist boasts the largest selection of Hand Bouquet using fresh flowers air flown in daily from our farms. Our bouquets are also made with qualified and experienced florists with extremely high level of standards. We discard any flowers that do not meet our stringent quality control guidelines. Some of the premium flowers we use commonly are roses, carnations, gerbera, hydrangea, lily, sunflower, and tulips.

The best part? We provide FREE same day delivery for ALL orders!


Hand Bouquet

Surprise Bouquet



Mother’s Bouquet



Erika Bouquet


Hand Bouquet

Hydrangea Bouquet

Original price was: $74.90.Current price is: $54.90.


Hazel Bouquet


Baby's Breath

Claire Bouquet



Cherish Bouquet



Veneration Bouquet



Grace Bouquet



Matriarch Bouquet



Felicity Bouquet


Baby's Breath

Sunshine Joy Bouquet


Baby's Breath

Marietta Bouquet



Lexi Bouquet

Original price was: $99.90.Current price is: $79.90.

Hand Bouquet

Serenade Bouquet


Hand Bouquet

Amber Grove Bouquet

Original price was: $499.90.Current price is: $299.90.
Original price was: $499.90.Current price is: $299.90.

Hand Bouquets from FARM Florist would surely bring great joy to your recipient and loved ones. Apart from offering free same day delivery for all orders, our prices are also the most economical in Singapore. There is really no where else that you can find a lovely 6 stalk of red rose bouquet just for $30+ with free delivery! Make someone smile today! We always take pride in playing a small role in your conquest to make someone's day amazing!

We're sold out for Valentine's Day. Next Delivery Date: 17 Feb 2025

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